TRANSIT workshop on the future of adult learning and future skills
Matteo Ficara took the participants on a journey through three time horizons. The aim was to identify the skills that those working in adult education and learning will need in the future.
Rapport d’atelier : Évènement TRANSIT Future Skills à Lausanne
Lors de son évènement du 04 décembre 2024, le think tank TRANSIT a invité le public à réfléchir et à […]
Veranstaltungsbericht: Future Skills – Implikationen für die Erwachsenenbildung
Am 18. November 2024 lud der Think-Tank TRANSIT in die Photobastei in Zürich ein, um vertieft über Future Skills zu […]
TRANSIT Salon on inclusion and exclusion in a migration society
The aim of the event was to gain insights into the meaning of inclusion and exclusion in a society characterised by migration and to reflect together on what this might mean for the future of adult education.
If only I had been a better teacher!
I didn’t understand the strangeness of what my guest was experiencing. How could I have been a successful teacher under these circumstances? I undoubtedly lacked a certain professionalism.
Changing needs and educational services: A negotiation process
In my opinion, the potential of the third TRANSIT trend report «The more flexible – The better?» is astonishing. It […]
Life skills or vocation-specific knowledge?
When I talk about TRANSIT in my private life, I am often asked which technical skills we absolutely have to […]
The carpenter in me – or self-directed learning in a self-test
Fishing for the right tutorial in the YouTube Ocean is not that easy if you don’t want to be driven by chance. For self-directed learning to be reasonably efficient, it requires skills that usually have nothing to do with the learning goal.
In what way do adult education and basic vocational education share a common future?
Together with Irena Sgier and Sabin Müller and with the collaboration of several committed experts, I recently published the third […]
Why I prefer to learn from humans
If you migrate to a foreign country, you have to learn at least one new language. The apologists of artificial […]