Results of the TRANSIT 2024 evaluation discussions

TRANSIT has been in operation for several years and it was time to evaluate its activities. The aim of the evaluation was to analyse the impact of TRANSIT, to record the views of the addressees and to understand their wishes and suggestions for the future direction of TRANSIT.

To this end, a series of evaluation interviews were conducted. The interviews aimed to capture perceptions and experiences.

The main findings are:

– The main motivation for joining TRANSIT is the in-depth discussion of future related issues and the interdisciplinary exchange with like-minded people.

– The high level of abstraction of TRANSIT’s work is appreciated. However, there is still a lack of guidance on how to put the work into practice.

– The events and trend reports were seen as valuable sources of inspiration. The map set and the newsletter were also rated particularly positively.

Main motives for connecting with TRANSIT: in-depth discussions and exchange

At the beginning of the interviews, participants were asked why they were in contact with TRANSIT. Two key motivations emerged: an interest in exploring future issues in adult learning, and a desire to exchange ideas with others who were also interested in these issues.

Dealing with social change and megatrends is of great importance to several participants. They emphasised that strategies for future positioning in the market can only be developed through intensive engagement with these issues. Some of them see it as their task to find points of reference for the changes and to discuss what kind of impact these changes might have on their institution. In order to fulfil this task, they seek out in-depth professional discourse and contribute their findings to internal discussions. In addition to professional requirements, personal enthusiasm for larger, sometimes philosophical questions also plays a role in joining TRANSIT.

Another important reason for joining TRANSIT is the interdisciplinary exchange with like-minded people open to complex questions and the future. The discussions and creative exchanges offer participants the opportunity to step out of their everyday lives, take on new perspectives and be inspired by the opinions and experiences of others. For many participants, the community acts as a sounding board where they can contribute their own thoughts and at the same time gain new ideas for their work.

Benefits of the TRANSIT work: Common understanding and knowledge transfer

A central aspect of the discussions was the importance of the TRANSIT work for the participants. The work and tools provided by TRANSIT are seen as particularly valuable for their work in adult learning and education. They have not only been used in practice, but have also given rise to intensive discussions. Participants appreciate the awareness-raising that the work of TRANSIT makes possible, as it helps to create a common understanding of current developments and future challenges.

Several participants emphasised that the preparatory work carried out by TRANSIT, such as the systematic presentation of knowledge and analyses, provides them with orientation and guidance. These impulses help to translate trends into specific contexts. TRANSIT prepares knowledge from various disciplines in such a way that it can be used for adult learning and education in Switzerland. Both the range of topics and the specific focus are valued.

Level of abstraction and practical applicability of the work

Participants appreciate the high level of abstraction of the TRANSIT reports, which allows them to independently shape the process of concretisation for their own work. It has become clear that the value of the work is not in providing ready-made solutions, but in stimulating further reflection and discussion. The broad and abstract level of the trend reports offers the opportunity to interpret the content individually and adapt it to specific needs. Ready-made solutions, on the other hand, are often perceived as inappropriate.

At the same time, participants recognise that the high level of abstraction can be challenging for some and that access should be facilitated to reach a wider audience.

Variety and Impact of Formats

The variety of formats offered by TRANSIT was highlighted as particularly positive. The events are valued as valuable opportunities for exchange and intensive discussion. The creative exchange with people from different fields often leads to new insights and strengthens one’s own work. The events offer a meta-level that makes it possible to keep an eye on the big picture without splitting the field too much. Formats that offer surprises and points of friction were also particularly appreciated. This type of event creates a framework in which participants can benefit from the momentum even years later. The regularity of large events was perceived as good. For some, it is an annual event. However, they do not have time for additional events lasting several hours.

The trend reports were also seen as a useful basis for adult education and as a basis for discussion in the respective institutions. Several participants emphasised that they were happy to recommend the reports to others in order to draw attention to the issues raised.

Practical tools such as the set of cards with questions about the future and the poster on flexibilisation were also much appreciated. The set of cards was not only used within the organisations, but also actively recommended to others. The ease of use of the cards and their immediate applicability was seen as a major advantage over more comprehensive reports.

The website was also positively evaluated, especially the fact that all materials are available free of charge. The book ‘Zusammenhänge’ with dialogues for adult education is less well known.


TRANSIT’s communications were rated positively across the board. In particular, the newsletter was highlighted as a proven and valuable channel for regular information about new content. Many respondents stated that the newsletter regularly led them to the website to find out about current issues. The personal contact with the TRANSIT team was also described as very satisfying.

What else is needed (more)?

In addition to the current formats and contents, the participants also expressed wishes for the further development of TRANSIT. A key concern was guidance on how to put the ideas into practice. Many wanted support in translating abstract concepts into practice without losing the value of the abstraction. Suggestions included clearer guidance on how organisations can moderate and implement their processes. It would be particularly helpful to provide tools that show how societal issues can be addressed in educational organisations through concrete steps. Shorter, more accessible versions of the content were also suggested to make it easier to get started.

Another point was the widening of the target group. It was suggested that targeted measures should be taken to reach new target groups. Some were sceptical about the idea of a community that would exchange ideas and lives, preferring to attend occasional events depending on the topic. Other ideas included study tours on specific topics or small webinars.